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Susie Chen

Susie Chen is the legal counsel in Shanghai filiale of KYMCO Capital,mainly responsible for legal due diligence and review of investment documents.Susie graduated from Nankai University,had a double major degree in Management in Tianjin University,and received her master degree in Laws in Tongji University.Susie is qualified as a lawyer in mainland China.

Susie Chen is the legal counsel in Shanghai filiale of KYMCO Capital,mainly responsible for legal due diligence and review of investment documents.Susie graduated from Nankai University,had a double major degree in Management in Tianjin University,and received her master degree in Laws in Tongji University.Susie is qualified as a lawyer in mainland China.

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1st Floor, Building A, Tangquan International, No. 558, Tongxie Road, Changning District, Shanghai
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